30 May 2011
1890 Hill House home for girls on the Ridge in Cold Ash is bought for the Church of England Children’s Society and renamed St Mary’s. In the 1930s the home changes over to caring for babies and young children.
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29 May 2011
Crookham C of E School, St Barnabus’s School, is opened on Crookham Common in 1867, about 1/2 mile south of what is now Crookham Court. It has been built at the expense of Richard and Henry Tull of Crookham House. By 1992 it is a private dwelling.
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28 May 2011
Around 1858, Samuel Barfield, son of John Barfield pays £60 for diverting Church Lane near the parish church and supplies iron railings and gravel. In 1860 the parish churchyard wall is built at his expense.
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27 May 2011
Some of the names of residents of the borough give an excellent guide to the crafts practiced in the town. These include; John the Taylor (1286AD), Richard de la Hammulle (Ham Mill) (1300AD), Humfray le Mol (Miller)(1300AD), Ralph Scriptor (Writer)(1300AD), Walter le Wodeward (Gamekeeper) (1323AD) and John Weaver (1425AD).
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26 May 2011
Around 1820 the last of Thatcham’s open fields are enclosed under the Enclosure Award of 1817. The Award is made mainly on the basis that it will lead to better farming practice. However, the enclosures become one of the main causes of rural unemployment and depopulation.
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