Tomlin Popup Exhibition

Thatcham Historical Society officially opened the Tomlin Popup exhibition tonight (8th October). A range of guests from the local community and organisations heard a short talk about the exhibition. The exhibition is a partnership between the libraries services, West Berkshire Museum and Thatcham Historical Society. The museum is aiming to have popup exhibitions in surrounding towns and villages, this being the second popup exhibition. Chairman of Thatcham Historical Society, Nick Young, said “the idea is not only to promote the museum but to showcase some of the materials and highlight the rich history we have on our own doorsteps.” 

In 1911 a proposal to mark the Coronation of King George V at a Thatcham Parish meeting was put forward. The proposal was to install a drinking fountain in the Broadway, or Broad Street as it was then known. The majority of those at the council meeting though thought it was too ambitious. That is until Ann offered to pay for it. Ann, like many others, was actively involved in the local community.  

The Tomlin Exhibition set up by West Berkshire Museum and Thatcham Historical Society.
The Tomlin Exhibition set up by West Berkshire Museum and Thatcham Historical Society.

The chairman also noted “we have already had many comments about the display and have been questioned when the next one will be up and what it will feature.

The exhibition is on display at Thatcham library until the end of October. All the information in the display is available in a free leaflet available at the exhibition.